Michael Wrona's Blog

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A Simple C++ Vector Class

Posted at — Sep 14, 2021


Learning how to use arrays in C++ is an extremely important skill to have as a programmer. Generally speaking, arrays are used to store data with identical types as a group. The simplest and most commonly used array is a vector, or 1D array. Creating, deallocating, and keeping track of array lengths can complicate programming. The C++ standard library has a very good implementation of a vector object, but is somewhat bloated for applications with tight memory requirements. std::vector is also a template, which aren’t kosher in embedded and critical applications. Therefore, here is a simplified vector class for creating and managing vectors that I created.

Full source code for my vector class can be found on my GitHub repo.


My vector class has the following capabilities:

I will create a float vector class, but the code could be easily modifed by replacing float with double, uint32_t, etc.

Vector Class Declaration

The vector class is declared in it’s header file. This defines the constructor, deconstructor, methods, and access specifiers for each method and variable.

class Vectorf {
        Vectorf(size_t vecLen = 3);
        void Fill(float val);
        void Print();
        size_t GetLen();
        float Get(size_t index);
        float GetNorm();
        size_t n; // Vector length
        float *vec;  // Vector's dynamic array

Constructor - Creating the Vector

The constructor is called when we create a vector object. The input when creating a vector object will be it’s length, or the number of elements. The constructor then allocates the vector’s array in heap memory with the new keyword. We have to use dynamic arrays since the array size is unknown until runtime. I added some error checks, too.

Vectorf::Vectorf(size_t vecLen) {
    // Check if len is zero
    if (vecLen == 0) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("Vector length must be greater than zero");

    this->n = vecLen;  // vector length

    // check for bad allocation
    try {
        this->vec = new float[this->n];  // Allocate array on the heap
    catch (const std::bad_alloc &ba) {
        std::cerr << "Bad vectorf array allocation: " << ba.what() << std::endl;

    // Set initial values to zero

Return the Length

The following method returns the vector length, or the number of elements in the vector’s array. This could be used in external code when the length of a vector is unknown.

size_t Vectorf::GetLen() {
    return this->n;

Get a Value

The Get() method returns the vector’s value at the specified index. It also ensures the specified index is less than the vector’s length.

float Vectorf::Get(size_t index) {
    // check the specified index
    if (index > this->n) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("Vector index exceeded length.");

    return this->vec[index];

Fill the Vector

The fill() method fills the entire array with a specified value. This method is also used in the constructor to initialize the vector with all zeros.

void Vectorf::Fill(float val) {
    size_t ii;

    for (ii = 0; ii < this->n; ii++) {
        this->vec[ii] = val;

Compute Vector Magnitude

The GetNorm() method computes the magnitude, or norm, of the vector. The mangitude is the square root of the sum of of the vector elements, squared.

$$ norm = \sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2 + x_2^2 + …} $$

float Vectorf::GetNorm() {
    size_t ii;
    float sum = 0.0f;

    // Sum of the squares
    for (ii = 0; ii < this->n; ii++)
        sum += this->vec[ii] * this->vec[ii];

    // return the square root
    return sqrtf(sum);

The Print() method prints the entire vector to the console. This could be useful for debugging purposes.

void Vectorf::Print() {
    size_t ii;

    std::cout << "[ ";  // Left bracket
    for (ii = 0; ii < this->n; ii++)
        std::cout << this->vec[ii] << " ";  // space between elements
    std::cout << "]" << std::endl;  // right bracket

Deconstructor - Deallocate Arrays

The deconstructor deallocates the vector’s array after it goes out of scope. This is important so that the computer can use the array’s memory locations after the vector is out of scope.

Vectorf::~Vectorf() {
    delete[] this->vec; // deallocate from the heap

The source code plus an example can be found at this GitHub repo. I hope this was useful and gave you some inspiration for your C++ projects!